Wednesday 20 June 2012

The Timeless Hour

This is the timeless hour
When ripples dance in the velvet lake
And stars swim in the breezes;
When clouds float to distant horizons
And their bellies shiver in the waves.

This is the timeless hour
When her breathing is slow;
When her back is arched;
When quivering halos of light
Shimmer back at me through the gloom.

This darkness is a chrysalis
Where her angel wings can spread;
Where passions rush and silent engines roar;
Where two bodies surrender to the tide
And ride on crests of waves;

Where currents surge
And the swelling oceans
Cascade over them;
Where they kiss the horizon
And fall… fall into cooling waters.

This is the timeless hour
When the sweepers drive by;
When, wrapped in a sleepy cocoon,
Two bodies learn to breathe together,
And shared whispers make sense of the world.


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